Witch Wars Admission 10 cents!
By Lady Starfire

Can any of you guess what this "Witchy Bitchy" column is going to be about? You don't need a crystal ball to figure it out! The cartoon gives a pretty good idea "Witch Wars Admission 10 cents!" Normally we don't go in for stating information from related conversations that fly around but this time we will in the interest of the overall community to try to stop what's happening.

This article was printed originally in the "The Bat's N' Bellfrie Zine" in Vollume 4 No.3, March 1997 and was requested to appear in the online version of the Zine. Because contrary to what people think this kind of happening is constantly being talked about in many places, and it's nothing new just the names and locations change and the times.

We've lived in many places and Las Vegas for a very very long time. We've seen other people posturing for power, which in reality is just another word for greed or the coveting of power they don't really have, but search for in others who do have the innate ability. Does this sound familiar "If your not with us your against us!" And if you do know howto weiled it (for instance the ability to far see) and "Your not with them!", they seek to destroy your credibility by deceitful mundane way's to try to control you or keep you separated from the rest of the community!

They look for people who have had a lot of problems in their life, then string them along until their not useful anymore. Then they make up an excuse to get rid of them. Then there's the people for many different reasons besides learning that go from store to store, looking for a place just to belong, you know hang out, because in reality everyone needs a place to belong family, friends excetra.

Witches are not recruiters that go out to find new recruit's or use a business front like a revolving door as recruiting station. We have nothing against a true path walker, walking his/her path,talking his/her talk and owning a business. Besides most True Witches are very discerning about who they teach there Craft to. You might not like this part but not everyone has the true mental acuity or social morales to be taught the Craft's inner mysteries. Would you give a loaded weapon to a felon so they can shoot you with it? No!

Not all the people who say they are seeking the "Craft" truly belong in the "Craft". Some lives due change for the better, but when they run into Charlatan's that profess themselves to be the only ones who have the true path, and hurt them in the long run that's when it get sticky with the rest of the community. Why does it get sticky with the rest of the community? Well because these Charlatan's never clean up their mess that they created.

These charlatan's cover up what they seek in many ways and in many forms. Through the illusion of projecting to others of being of "Goodness and light", or how about the "Most powerful Witch", the "Queen of Las Vegas", "Head PR Person", or the vast numbers of people they (don't) have under them.

When you look below the surface of these people you see them as they truly are, the illusion is truly cast aside and you see
them as liars, cheaters, users, profiteers, seekers of that which they can never attain the true power that comes from within and without.

Let's see we could fill a page or two but (we won't) will just give you some highlight's of a fe! Chaos Dragons for far seeing, pig's feet left on doors, air being let out of tires, threatening phone calls, threat's to your family, calling your employers, telling lies about you, plagiarizing anothers knowledge (stealing book's of shadows), death threats, banishment skulls as score cards for people who won't comply, turning the blade, calling the quarters and not knowing what's there about! WOW is this the work of wonderrful people or what, not to us it's just mundane theatrical antic's. NO POWER! TRUE WITCHES DON'T RESORT TO THIS KIND OF CRAP!

"Goodness and Light", "Yeah right!" Actions speak louder than all the words that you can profess yourselves to be. It's what you do not what you say that count's in the long run and you definitely don't need a score card for others to know about how good you are or go arround the corner with a group of people to see if your spell has worked against someone!

Now comes the biggy the "Queen of Las Vegas", there has been NO VOTING. We repeat there has been "NO VOTE" for
the "Queen" of the entire Las Vegas area. Anyone purporting themselves to be the "Queen of Las Vegas" has a few marbles loose!!! There are however Queens in individual covens or groups by custom. Who have earned the respect of their people. This is not the ancient times when wars determined an overall "King/Queen" to rule. Again anyone telling you that their the "Queen of Las Vegas" has a few screws loose.

If you run across someone purporting themselves to be the "Head PR Person for the Las Vegas Area" this is also not true!
There has been "NO VOTE" to elect one individual person to speak for the entire Pagan population in this area to the media's of TV, Radio or Newspapers.

Witches are solitary by nature even though some prefer to work in groups they are still solitary free thinkers making their own choices. "Why did we bring that up?" For two very good reasons! One there's a very large underground and two because contrary to what some individuals in this town believe not everyone in the "Witch/Pagan" population is open. A large majority do not, we repeat DO NOT patronize some establishments in this town. Wlhat they don't make they buy from reputable catalog business.

And the one's that occasionally go in, don't necessarily wear jewelry proclaiming who and what they are or flash talk their knowledge for all to hear. They've come to check a place out to see what you have that's for sale or to find out who and what your all about. That does not mean that they are ignorant of what goes on in this town or who the game players are in the ridiculous "Witch War". Quite the contrary they know who's in cahoots with whom and who supposedly is not talking to whomever and what there agenda's is to get rid of so and so ("If there not with them!"), or to garner the most business in the Las Vegas area by supposedly ignorant pagan population. One of their many tact-ticks right now is getting people to go out in public and spread as many rumors as they can. What great PR!

Now were going to talk about a couple of rumors that are and were going around and the buck top's here! One the "Bat's N' Bellfrie" is not operated out of any Metafuzzie store front in this town, even though it's being put out by others that their the publisher and editor of this rag sheet. That the Bat's has not in any way, shape or form set up, or financially fronted as a silent partner, or helped in the running of another business in this town. The perpetrators of these rumors are running a scam. Unfortunately it's only one of many.

The old Solitary Alliance was not, I repeat WAS NOT connected to the Bat's N' Bellfrie they were two separate organizations. The old Solitary Alliance (which was disbanded by it's originator): was not connected to any other Coven group as a coven, circle or ring extension of their Mother Coven or group. The old Solitary Alliance was not connected to any other Solitary organization or store front in this town or anywhere else!! How do I know this? Because I was the originatorof the social group called the Solitary Alliance. We all however have friends/connections in the social strata of life, but that "DOES NOT MAKE US PART OF THEIR GROUP'!!

Two because we always get calls from people who have moved here from other places and they want to know many things
about the LV area. We'll state right now that we don't answer some of there questions for obvious reasons!

People want to know the "Safe areas to live and shop?" "The best stores for a particular kind of merchandise?" "Which place has the best reputation for honesty?" They want to know about the "Las Vegas Witch War?" and frankly we're getting quite tired of the national notoriety of this "Un-Witch War", which in reality is childish dabbler games! Yes there's a lot of people who refer to these people as dabbler's. "Why?" Because they've drawn their own conclusions for obvious reasons. One of the reasons is: "People have discerned that these are waring over MONEY, BUSINESS and SOCIAL CLOUT!!!

Out of all the forms of Public Relations the most devastating or rewarding is the word of mouth. If you want to do something good for this community you don't have to feed into or except the negative energy crap in any form that goes on. Correct a mundane social problem! Negate, nullify a magickal problem and send the intent back. Fill the negative mizmah with positive energy in return!

In the interest of this pluralistic community that's filled with many wonderful, ethical, honest, moral minded, and law abiding pagans who have expressed their concerns and are tired of the nonsense of the not so.l