Cult Defenitions, Perspectives & Danger Signals
This picture was chosen to make a point, any religion can come under the heading of an inquisition by any social or religious group of people. No group escapes the wordcraft flames then or now!
By Shadow Dancer

Throught time there have been many definitions of the meaning of the word cult, sect and denomination. It's just as crazy now as it was then. To get a better perspective we need to look at how it's defined and what are some of the main things to look for to determine if it is a "Cult" situation!

In the American Heritage Dictionary the meaning of "Sect" is: A group of people forming a distinct nitch within a larger group by virtue of common beliefs. A religious body, especially one that has separated from a larger denomination. In other words a Sect is a small offshoot group of an established religious group that has a few concepts that differentiate them from the established religion.

From ancient times the word "Sect" has been applied to any new or reorganized way of belief. Example, the "Nazarenes which was an offshoot of Judaism that was formed by the apostles after the execution of Jesus around 32 C.E. The Nazarenes were scattered or killed when the Romans attacked Jerusalem and destroyed their temple.

A "Denomination" is an organized group of religious congregations. In otherwords it's any long established religious group that's been in existence for many years and has a very large legally established membership in ie.e., Catholic churches, Jewish Synagogues, to Covens and Solitaire and so on.

The most difficult to define is the meaning of a "Cult" because various groups have conflicting definitions of the word. Will start off with the American Heritage Dictionary meaning of "Cult": A system of religious worship and ritual. A religion or sect considered extremist or false. Obsessive devotion to a person or principle or the object of that devotion.

Now for some other conflicting meanings of the word "Cult":

The historical Theological usuage: (positive meaning) a style of worship and its associated rituals. This means any beliefe structure that has established as a norm in their belief specific or variant set of rituals that are performed in conjunction with that particular belief.

The Sociological usage: (neutral meaning) a small religious group that exists in a state of tension with the predoniminant religion.

The General religious usuage: (natural meaning) a small recently created religious group that is not a variant of an established religion, usually headed by a single charismatic leader.

The Evangelical Christian usuage: (negative meaning) most Evangelicals would define as a cult any Christian religious group which does not accept the historical Christian doctrines, in otherwords accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, virgin birth, the Trinity, salvation through beliefs excetra. The implication is that the cults theology is invalid they might consider Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses to be cults but they would not classify Wicca as such, because it's not Christian.

Fundamentalist Christian usage: (negative meaning) Some Fundamentalistss would accept the Evangelical definition of cult but others might brand any religious group Christian or otherwise which deviates from historical Christian belief as a cult. This definition would include any Mormon, Wicca, mainline and liberal Christian denominations and all of the other religions in the world.

Popular media usuage: (very negative meaning) a small, evil religiousl group often with a single charismatic leader, which engages in brainwashing and other mind control techniques. Often used as a synonym for mind control cult or for a doomsday cult like what's been reported in the new's about the Branch Dividians, Heaven's Gate or how about the much older case of Jim Jones (Christian group) in Guyana where over 900 hundred people committed ritual suicide and or where forced to drink poison or were shot for non compliance to the directive.

To name a few: Any denomination of Christianity:

Catholic Baptist Lutheran Methodist or whatever Church of Satan
Temple of Set Hare Krishna Santeria Witchcraft Paganism/Wicca
Rosicrusicans Free Masionry Stoner Ganges KKK Nazi's/Skinheads
Scientology New Agers Astrology Buddhism Hinduism Mormonism Islam

This list could continue on and on but by these above definitions anyone and anything can be considered a cult depending on where you live , depending on whether your the predominate or the minority, what your belief is and whether or not you have pimples, listen to Rock N' Roll, or wear saffron or green robes or have Paganheimer's disease "Just Kidding".

Now that you've got some of the mainstream definitions of "Cult" out of the way lets look at some of the signs of a "Cult" situation!

Okay here we go.

1. How much control do the leader/er's of the organization have over you?

Think about exactly how much control and how intense are their efforts directed at preventing or re-indoctrinating dropouts?

2. How much wisdom/infallibility the leader/er's claim or how much wisdom/infallibility does the group give credit to them?

Do they take credit for every occupancy happening outside of their group and claim it as their own? Do you believe everything they tell you or do you check things out to prove to yourself one way or another.

3. How flexible or unfeasible are they on you or other's communicating with others outside the main group?

Are you allowed to socialize with others outside of the particular organization or are you kept isolated with fear tactics! How much do you know or other members know of outside opinions in relation to the organization?

4. How stringent or inflexible is the group oninterpretation of doctrine/reality concepts?

How much access to and tolerance of other ideas do the leaders accord members? Are you allowed to freely ask questions, to debate an issue for greater understanding?

How much disapproval does the organization have of jokes about, it's doctrines, or its leaders?

5. How tight is discipline inside the organization example, are those who disagree with doctrinal points or leadership decisions ostraised or shunned?

6. How important is recruiting to the group? How many front groups does the organization claim to operate under?

Do they use their store front/church/Sanctuary manly for profit making and for recruitment. Is it a revolving door, when you run out of money is your usefulness at an end. Or are you patted on the head and used to help recruit others.

7. How much emphasis does the group place on donations and how is the money used?

Do the leaders live better than you do? Do they provide accurate accounting for the group to show where the money goes or do they give you a run around and double talk. Do they require you to buy all you materials from them, pay large contributions or large dues?

8. How much political power exists within the organization and or desired outside of the group?

Have you checked around for this groups political clout and reputation with the rest of the community and compared it to what the organization has said. Are they over concerned with what the public says about them.

9. Is sexual manipulation being used in the group?

Part of the initiation, is it part of the over all theme, do they have respect for your existing mate or do they disregard them and use sly words and or harassment for getting sexul favors from you or other members.

10. Does the organization exhibit paranoia and endorse violence on behalf of it or its leaders?

Do they condone violence, use intimidation and fear tactcs, threats even veiled threats to control you or your family. How much paranoia does the organization exhibit towards the "outside world?" Too much, a little. Do they promote paranoia inside the group or with you to convince you that they have a great power over others in controlling their destiny.

This was given in a slightly different perspective, but the most important thing to remember is that "Cult" or suspected cult activity" is cross cultural, if a greater portion of these are yes in any way and you haven't been affiliated with this group very long, then I strongly suggest that you break from that particular group! And remember their are no barriers, no religion is exempt, and there are no limits to what charlatans, con artists will do to gain prestige, money for their supposed power.

Whether they truly have it or not!!!