To Cleanse,
Heal and Protect
Pagan Community!
By The Community

"We", who have come from many places across this great world to live here, say this to you"!

That living in the boundaries of a growing city such as "Las Vegas", their are various energies here from many things, such as: gambling, tourism, new and continuing construction growth all about us just to name a few!

Yes, sometimes, their are "Certain" forms of "Energy" that run "Rampant" around and about because of the various diversified "Levels" of life styles that ebb and flow, weaving a "Condensed Tapestry," usually moving through ley-lines and vortex points, converging and dissipating, going forth, usually unseen and unnoticeable in every day live.

I ask you. What have you heard from anyone lately! The Winds are Blowing unusally different than before? People are wacking out, going wild, or seem to have no common sense anymore? Just to name a few?

And again, yes, "Energy" can create such phenomenon, both good and bad, physical and metaphysical, under currents of "Power" lending itself into manifestation. Now understand, that in all things in nature, it is so. All things are light and dark, not necessarily good or bad, for good and bad, are both a little each, in light and dark. All encompassed in cycles of growth and action, hidden in the "Great Mystery," a muti-form of "Energies" dancing and playing, working and shaping, utilizing an emanation called "Lfe", itself.

So on to the point were trying to make! Many of us who are Pagans, truth in our spirit, not just a label, both surface and underground, both Solitary and "Group Walkers," gathered together in "Common," sharing and in "Concern" about "Events" and "Magick, due to recent contact by a "Heck" of a lot of people about things that "Are" happening to them. Such as: Who is attacking me? Am I cursed? Where can I go for Training that is safe? Why are these "Witch Wars" taking place?

First off, to answer these questions and others not stated, if you "Buy" into this "Negative" energy, you empower it and then therefore by your personal weaving "OF IT", "IT" becomes "YOURS!!!!"

"Guess what!" "You don't have to accept it either!" Whether it is Paranoia, or otherwise, WE REPEAT, DON'T kACCEPT IT!

It is believed by most, that if you acknowledge a "problem" or "situation", you empower it, this all depends upon your approach of it.

A doctor "Sees", the "Ill" to diagnose "It", and to heal "It", as in "Certain" Craft Lines, "Ye must KNOW, to change, that which is becoming. "GET IT?L" TO KNOW, is the first key of transformation of everything and anything.

Okay, back upon the "Meet Gathering." All of us had decided to: "In NO uncertain terms and without lengthy details, to "Forge" and "Commit" to "Our Spirituality, and by Oath and Bond, to our diety and our Crafts, and to "The Needs of the Multi - layered Pagan Community" here and "Yes", it is obvious that a "Cleansing, Healing and Protection does need to be done."
We know it and You may also know it, and if not, just remember ignorance in the Universe is NO EXCUSE!

We plan on beginning this on "August 7th" continuing for one Lunar Cycle and encourage Your participation either by Yourself, or with "Your Own Group," and/or lby "Contact and Converging" with us. We ask this because its YOUR Pagan Community Too!

Do You think You can, take time, to weave a "Web of Light", for the "Where," and common good of All?

Can "You" aid in "Projecting" such Light, to Heal and Strengthen and Protect the Old Religion, in Truth and Spirit? In Light, Love and Truth, We Believe You Can!!!

Please, contact Us at Your earliest possible convenience for a "Copy of the "Ritual" that most will be "Performing"!

"Repetition" and "Converging Light" of the "Same Ritual", will enhance the "Potency and Manifestation" and guarantees "No Power Plays", "No Leaders or Followers", "No One" holding the "Power" except the "High Gods" themselves. Are We not Pagans All? In heart, mind and spirit? So in Love, Light and Truth, so let the "Web of Light" begin!

""We here, who are the undersigned, do so swear, with Love and Light and truth of our Oaths, as Pagans All, in sight of our Deity, or Craft, and upon our Souls.

Do commit our "Energies of Light, in Unity and Alone", to the "Cleansing, Healing and Protection" of "Our Pagan Communities", and to our "Brothers and Sisters", "Brethren and Folk", both known to us and as yet unknown to us, Upon this Rede are we sworn to uphold.""

Lady Starfire; Lady Raven; Lady Brid; Lady Branwen Nikskeel; Lady Naimb of the Golden Hair; Lady Gaia; Lady Koylyeb; Lady Marilewd; Lady Ariana; Lady Shadow Dancer; Lady Morwyn; Lord Amerlyn; Lord Percevial; Lord Tannus; Lord Athanor; Lord Fionn Mistel; Lord Shadow Dragon; Lord Connla; Light Weaver; Earth Runner; Fire Singer.

Anyone who writes to the PO Box or Emails to be a participant will have complete anonymity if they so desire! But we must remind you that there will be some initial contact in order for you to receive the ritual! Also anyone who so desires, who participates in the ritual can have their name added to the list of participants in the "Bat's" to show their involvement in the Healing Rite in the community effort!
By The Community

The response from the Pagan Community about this article and ritual, was and still is, "Absolutely Phenomenal". The amount of phone calls and letters that rushed in and "swamped" us took everyone, quite by surprise, we didn't realize how many "caring and Goddess - motivated" Pagans that are out there in the Las Vegas Area, until now.

As a "Web of Light continues here, to Wax and Grow to achieve this cause in the "Ladys Name". Pagans from other States have connected with us from California, Arizona, Colorado, to add Their "Light Weaving" and help. In this our undertaking, they are beginning the same in there Own Areas of Life and Activity.

"Yes", the Goddess is Alive, and Weaving Our work in Her ways and Mysteries. The Cleansing, Healing and Protection is working and is flowing towards manifestation, "Light in Extension."

We will be working this for One Year at Each Moon, and upon this, We still encourage "Contact". Many Who contacted us wanted NO mention of Their Names, either mundane or magickal, others wanted Group Names listed.

To All those to be mentioned and All those NOT, WE "SALUTE" YOU" and "HONOR YOU" in the LADYS NAME, for in "SPOROT AND IN TRUTH". TO ALL WHO STOOD UP AND WAS ACCOUNTED FOR, YOU have proven, ALL OF YOU, WE ARE PAGANS ALL!!!!!!

""We here, who are the undersigned, do so swear, with Love, Light and Truth of our Oaths, as Pagans All, in sight of our Deity, our Craft, and upon our Souls.

Do so commit our "Energies of Light, inUnity and Alone", to Cleanse, Heal and Protect "Our Pagan Communities", to our Brothers and Sisters, Brethren and Folk," both known to us and as yet unknown to us. Upon this Rede are we sworn to uphold.""

This is an extrememely long list that just keeps on growing.

THE Groups

Nevada (LAS VEGAS)

Caldrons-Fire Grove; Arianas Web Coven; Sword on Stone Coven; Caldron and the Rose Grove
Wolfs Clan Grove; Hedge of the Albion Coven; Temple of Danaan; Dragon-Mist Grove; Dragon's; Loom Circle; Moon-Willow Circle


Cland of the Unicorn


Moon and Thistle Coven

California (SAN DIEGO)

Logres' Knight of Circle and Stone


Wyrd Sisters Ring

Arizona (PHOENIX)

Coven Triskele; Well of the Oracle


Our Lady of the Solis Flame; Light-Weavers of Phoenix



Starfire; Raven; Brid; Branwen Nicskeel; Naimh of the Golden Hair; Nicneven-Morrigu; Ariana; Morwyn; Mari Lewd; Kolyeh; Gaia; Macha; Light-Weaver; Fire-Singer; Moon Willow; Melusine Triskele;Merlindas-Wyrd ; Nemetona; Druantia; Shadow Dancer; Liban Emaia; Flidias Rue; Carlin Cauldron Wise; Sunna Wende; Diana Dreaweaver; Raven-Mocker; Cerridwen Moon Mist; Tana Faery Song; Rowena; Maich; Mandragora; Moon Rose; Maid Ariadia; Freya-Alf Dotter; Andromeda Light Spinner; Bov Catha; Moon Stone Amythest; Jamara; Rhiannon White Mist; Cybele; Hathor Bastet; Valkurie Rune; Triduana


Shadow Dragon; Fionn Mistel; Tannus; Amerlyn-Mage;Taliesin; Connla; Percevial; Athanor; Finvarra-Sidhe; Grey-Hawk; Whitewolf; Thistle-Flame Mannanan Silver-Flame; Skald Rune; Crow Shadow Walker; Gwalchmai; Herne'; Ard Grieme; Olias; Beowolf; Robin Goodfellow; Finntan; Caledon; Gwynathyr; Blackthorn; Amergin Macmil; Gwyddion; Torannan; Ruadh Rofessa; Pwyll Annwn; Alfrede Hundru Folk; Osirius Iao; Nuadha Argethlam; Goihnu Hallows Forge; Esus; Borvo; Grannos; Aridahu; Mider Mc Sidhe; Maponos; Arthur O'Bowers; Dylan Ap Landu; Ogmio's; Herme's; Ossian

More names will be added as people participate. We promise!

A reminder anyone who writes or Emails us to be a participant will have complete anonymity if they so desire! But some initial
contact is required to receive the ritual!

To Cleanse, Heal and Protect the Pagan Community Ritual

Click here and scroll down and click on 'CLEANSING, HEALING & PROTECTING THE PAGAN

Written In Stone